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Startet af lille_jill, 21. Juni 2009, kl. 14:41


bliver spændende havd de svarer!

Black Diamond

Total cool hjælpe redskab. Anne jeg fandt din afløser LOL :fnis: :dans:


så lidt er er ikke perfekt oversat men man kan gøre sig forståelig og forstå hvad de siger det er jo det vigtigste  :)
MVH Vivian@Phoenix ilder opdræt:
Avl: Dk Phoenix´s Golden New dawn, Blue Hour at Tiffany Kæl: Dk Phoenix´s Birdie(2007 avl). Katte:Filur,Valkyrie og Lykken Curly Ronja og Lykken Peer Gynt.
info side http://www.phoenix-ferret.info opdræt side www.phoenix-ferret.dk
Disclamer: Ovenstående indlæg er udtryk for min personlige mening, og der tages forbehold for, at indholdet kan virke stødende på enkeltpersoner


Citat fra: Black Diamond Dato 22. Juni 2009, kl. 21:12
Total cool hjælpe redskab. Anne jeg fandt din afløser LOL :fnis: :dans:


Black Diamond

LOL Anne.. Var jeg virkelig så slem :fnis: :-$

Undskyld OT  :ot:


ingen kommentarer, men husk at de der babelfisk agtige sider ikke oversætter korrekt, men direkte.


Så fik jeg langt om længe svar:

Dear Mr.Pedersen,
thank you for the interest in our sand,but I can give you some informations about it , and in general about your pet's behaviour.
At first , our sand is absolutly not composed of bones or similar material , is all vegetable (like the philosophy of all of our products).
In fact, our sand is abstracted from barley.
Second , the behaviour you describe is in common , sometimes , with other animals like dogs and cats for example.
The most common reason about it , is a deficiency of minerals in the pet diet.
The deficiency bring the animal to find minerals in the sand , some times in the walls (is not rare for example to find a dog licking the walls) ad also in the dejections (the are full of minerals).
So don't worry : I think that if you talk with your veterinarian , he can prescribes you a mineral's integrator in particular for your ferret and your rat.
Hoping to be helpful to you
Best regards
Doc.Edoardo Colloridi

Hvad er det lige spaden har misforstået???!! argggggg!!!!!!!
Og siden hvornår er Jill blevet et drengenavn?


Tja, et eller andet har han misforstået... han tror at din ilder spiser sandet/gruset og/eller sin egen afføring...
Jeg synes du skal skrive tilbage til ham og forklare ham sagen igen...skære det helt ud i pap! Jeg vil godt hjælpe med det, hvis det er...


Har skrevet igen. Hvis han fatter klap igen, så må du meget gerne hjælpe :)


Du siger bare til... (så må jeg se om jeg kan finde mit pædagogiske engelsk et sted bagerst i hjernen...er trods alt uddannet engelsklærer *G*)


Dear Mr.Pedersen,
i'm really sorry , but there is no possibility that there is bones or treates of bones in our sand.We use only vegetables materials for the sand,and in general for our products.
Maybe your pets brought some treates in the place of the sand from other place,or there are other reasons,but it's not possible that the treates come from the pack of our sand.
Hope to be helpfull
Doc.Edoardo Colloridi

Værs'go Namilla, du må gerne finde på et eller andet :)


Dear Mr. Colloridi
I'm sorry that you won't acknowledge that it is your product that is the problem.
There is no way the treats are anything my ferret has found in my home. The treats are clearly from the sand. Perhaps a mishap in your production has lead to the two products being mixed? Afterall, I certainly know what kinds of treats are brought into my home. I have seen online that your company also produces bone-shaped treats. The treats were bone-shaped and apperantly delicious, but it is not hyginic to mix sand for litterboxes with eadible products. I will have to warn friends and family from use of your product, since it can obviousely cause a sick pet if the pet eats a product that has come in contact with its own faeces.
Kind regards (dit navn)

Jeg lavede lidt research og de producerer (som skrevet) en form for godbid formet som et ben... de ser dog ud til at være lige lovligt store i forhold til dem jeg forestiller mig lå i posen med grus, men jeg har jo heller ikke set dem...
Det er dem her http://www.amipetfood.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=52&Itemid=30


Har sendt mailen, mange tak :)
Nej, det er ikke de godbidder.